Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lucy's Six Month Photos

Amazing photography provided by Christine Olson.
Amazing baby provided by Courtney and Josh.


Lisa P said...

She could not be MORE perfect! And, she's ready to attend any royal wedding with her multitude of "fascinators":)

The Alvords said...

She is my favorite thing in all this world. She is such a dream.

Elder Akina's Mom said...

What a beauty! I peek at your daughter's blog all the time just to catch a glimpse of this little gal! Sure miss you.

GordonandChrissy said...

She is such a cutie! I can't believe she is six months. It seems like just the other day you were telling us that you were a new Grandma! Those are such cute pictures, and what a darling little girl. Love it!

Katy said...

omg. that is the cutest baby ever. Cutest baby ever.

ruzzel01 said...

Such a cutie little angel.

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Unknown said...

muy buen post. Es lícito tropezó con tu blog y quería mandar que me pongo muy disfrutado leyendo su blog. Cualquier condición estaré inscribo a su mantenimiento y espero de expedir de nuevo pronto vestidos de novia.


Glennis said...

The last photo looks lovely very cute.