Friday, February 4, 2011

Patrick's Mission Adventures!

Patrick had his first baptism! He was really excited.
Super cool Elder Spiker in the sunglasses we sent him for Christmas.

Nothing to worry about... mosquitos in Argentina never carry Dengue fever.


The Alvords said...

I miss him!

The Queen said...

Oh my gosh that mosquito is huge.

Anonymous said...

RJ got Dengue a couple times! It sounds scary!

P.S. Love the farmers tan! : )

ChrisS said...

It's fun to see your kids growing up so nicely. Can't believe the size of that mosquito. Russ's son leaves for Salta on the 7th.

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

HE is sooooo stinkin' cute & dorky & I miss it!! (as in it I mean him)

Lisa P said...

Of course there'd be a critter.

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