Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am excited!

Well no matter who you voted for yesterday, you have to be excited about participating in a history making election! I am looking forward to seeing the changes that will come about under new leadership. Even if it means we pay more taxes..... My hope is that our country will become more unified. Maybe Obama can be that guy. Maybe he can be the guy to pull us together after years of seperation. A girl can always hope! Sorry I have to go, my husband is standing on a chair, with a rope tied around his neck, and he is trying to kick the chair out from.. oh gotta go!


Chris and Mari Spiker said...


The Alvords said...

Oh Dad, be glad Prop 8 passed. I'm not thrilled (I wouldn't have been thrilled either way things went) but I hope things do get better from here. It will be an interesting few years that's for sure.

kirk n stacy said...

Linda...Agreed. He is our President and we all need to pray for him now. McCain is & always will be a Great American Hero...God Bless him for his life of service to this country. But it is over, lets move forward. Phew!
P.S. Notice Linda..I said "Move Forward" NOT "Move On" (.org) Ha!

kirk n stacy said...

P.S.S. Kirk maybe be trying to join Steve. I am trying to convience him there is "Silver Lining" to everything. I don't think he's buying it.

The Queen said...

poor steve. living with a bunch of crazy liberals. better hide all the alcohol, too.

Lisa P said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa P said...

It was electrifying to participate in democracy, and to have so many more voices heard. Even though I voted for McCain, it was hard not to feel the awe of the historic election of Obama.

Spiker said...

Okay it drives me crazy when someone leaves a comment and then removes it. It makes me wonder what they said. nd all the things in my head are probably far worse than what they actually said! Who was it???

Anonymous said...

It wasnt me that left the message then deleted it this time! haha and I love how luke gagged when he saw that picture of scotty. haha I looked over and saw it and happen to have the camera within arms reach so I thought i would capture it! haha yeah he just started getting stuffy the other night. right as kayden was getting better. just my luck!

Mark and/or Lisa said...

Usually Linda, it's the person who left the message a few minutes after (judging by the time stamps I would say Lisa)...and usually it's something trivial like a misspelled or left out word and they just want another go at it... or maybe your imagination is right and they were rooting steve on or something

Spitzer Family said...

Hey!! I didn't know you had a blog. Pretty fun! If you send me your email, I can invite you to read my blog. Your family is so beautiful!!

Hoskins Family said...

Hey, it's fun to see you have a blog! I have to agree it will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years. Miss you all in V2...Daleen

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