Courtneys water broke at 5:30 am after several days of contractions.

They arrived at the hospital in good spirits!

Lindsay and I show up to be the support team.

Still feeling great and ready to go...

Uh oh... those contractions kicked in...

Ahhhhh the epidural. Courtney got some rest.

The grandma's waiting patiently! This is Bonnie's 13th!

Lindsay took her ice chip responsibility very seriously!

At 6:06 pm miss Lucy June arrives! She weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. Tiny!

The happy new family.

Daddy admiring his new daughter.

I know, I know... you are all thinking "That is THE most beautiful baby ever born", which is funny because that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!

All cleaned up and wearing a hair accessory (did anyone doubt???) that Aunt Mari and Uncle Chris gave little Lucy June.

Lindsay was very tired after watching Courtney work so hard. She needed a nap!

Uncle Luke and his new niece!

Grandpa gets a smile!

Little Lucy June back at the cabin and getting a little burp.
She is so tiny and looks exactly like Court did! We are so smitten!