Monday, February 25, 2008

I look like myself only younger...

So when the girls and I had our pedicures for our 'girls weekend' (see photos below) I had one of the oddest 'you look just like...' experiences. Let me set the scene. The four of us, me, Courtney, Lindsay and Mari made a group appointment, came in together, were seated together and chatted, laughed and talked thru the whole hour. My tech, a really sweet girl with a strong Vietnamese accent kept telling me I looked just like someone that comes in the salon. She said " You look lie lady that come in here. You look just lie her. She have daughta and they come together." I would say "oh really?" "Yes, yes you look so much lie her... she have blonde hair lie you, she look just lie you... if she come in I point her for you..."  I am thinking 'Wow, I would like to see this person' because this girl is asking if I have a sister etc. she must look an awful lot like me! Toward the end of the pedicure Lindsay says something and I guess my girl looked at her for the first time and very excitedly says while she is pointing at Lindsay "I know who you look lie!!! You look just like her motha!" I said very confused "I am her mother" and she actually says "No she come in here with her motha and you look just lie her motha only you look younger". Well of course we all burst out laughing and I explained to her the reason I look so much like Lindsay's mother is that I am her mother and we do come in together sometimes (like at that moment) but here is the kicker, she says "I rememba you sit ova there and you say to her 'you need move out!' and she say 'No mom I no want move out' and you say 'Yes! You need move out, go to school and learn something new!" At this we all laughed hysterically because she remembered our exact conversation. It was dead on.... well, except for the accent and I don't leave out the word 'to' as often as she does... So I learned that not only do I look a lot like myself, only younger, I also learned that maybe I should save certain conversations for home!


The Queen said...

Oh my gosh that is so funny! At lease she didn't say you looked older! hehe.

The Alvords said...

That will go down in history as the funniest pedicure ever. I don't think I'll ever forget that. It was hilarious!

Mark and/or Lisa said...

you know, now that you mention it, you DO look a lot like yourself...:) ~lisa